Business, Christian Motivation, Motivational

Finding Purpose

Dearly beloved, The first step towards finding and living a purposeful life is turning away from the things that rob you of direction. Which is what “DISTRACTION” Yes it is okay to enjoy the luxury of life, some of us tend to enjoy alcohol, relationships, and career responsibilities in which some are not bad things… Continue reading Finding Purpose

Christian Motivation, Motivational, Writing Challenge

Writing Challenge Day 19

God consciousness exceeds Self-consciousness I want to briefly share a little bit of what I have been reading lately that has encouraged me as I do certain things that sometimes make me feel not worthy or rather sometimes too self conscious about certain areas of my life and forgetting to put God at the center… Continue reading Writing Challenge Day 19

Christian Motivation, Motivational, Word, writing challenge

Writing Challenge Day 17 OBSTACLES 1

Life is full of epic challenges and obstacles, and we must find ways to overcome them. Some obstacles in life are small and easy, but some may seem nearly impossible. Life’s obstacles can bring fear. When we come to those obstacles and they look scary, we may wonder how in the world we can possibly… Continue reading Writing Challenge Day 17 OBSTACLES 1


Writing Challenge Day 5 « Peace at Home »

Have you ever noticed that the easiest place to remain self-centered is at home?There is an incentive to be lovely with others but with your family, you are tempted to allow yourself more selfish privileges as if it didn't count there.While growing up I was more courteous and nicer to friends than to my own… Continue reading Writing Challenge Day 5 « Peace at Home »

Motivational, Writing Challeng

Writing Challenge Day 4“Place I would like to visit.”

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”~ Saint Augustine While growing up, I always thought of going to some of these popular places like Paris usually tagged as “the land of romance” which was all because of movies. And also wanted to go to China not until… Continue reading Writing Challenge Day 4“Place I would like to visit.”

Christian Motivation, Motivational, Writing Challenge

Writing Challenge Day 21 PRAISE

Praise is a sacrifice. A life of praise is indeed a "pleasing aroma" to our Lord (2 Cor. 2:15). This explains why God treasures the words of worship we offer to Him. Praises triggers anyone to give you something. Simply put, sometimes whenever I go to a vendor, either in a market space or eatery,… Continue reading Writing Challenge Day 21 PRAISE