Christian Motivation, Inspiration, Writing Challenge

Procrastination vs Discipline 📌

Dear reader, Today is a good day to keep up with your goal pursuit, you are getting there. Keep being consistent. If you are struggling with being consistent is because you keep PROCRASTINATING. I’ve learnt a lot from this book “Eat that frog” by Brian Tracy. The book highlights great ways to stop procrastinating. Here’s… Continue reading Procrastination vs Discipline 📌

Business, Inspiration, Motivational, Word

Win in Silence

(Money doesn’t make noise) What a short but powerful phrase, these thoughts kept flooding my head, I was wondering why, Then I started reminiscing about the last 3-4 years, Wow, thinking about it how time flies indeed.  Anyway, 3-4years ago, I was actively in network marketing Longrich products, everything was smooth. I remember back then… Continue reading Win in Silence

Christian Motivation, Word


They say procrastination is the thief of time, some say procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow. It is very easy to procrastinate responsibilities, I used to be fond of doing so until I read the book “Eat that frog 🐸” by Brian Tracy. This book inspired me a lot and to some extent… Continue reading Procrastination